8 Mediterranean Diet Benefits Proven by Science

SixFruits Editor

The Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets in the world due to the health benefits it provides.

In fact, the Mediterranean diet helps you lose weight, improves heart and brain health, prevents cancer, and controls diabetes.

Although it is a diet typical of the Mediterranean area, you can apply it outside that region. Keep in mind that the diet is based on eating lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, seeds, and olive oil.

A Complete Mediterranean Diet Food List and 14-Day Meal Plan

There is no single way to follow the Mediterranean diet since its followers live in different parts of the world.

On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet does not establish a caloric limit, so you have to control yourself.

This article will find the eight main benefits of following a Mediterranean diet.

1. The Mediterranean Diet May Help Reduce Your Risk For Heart Disease

According to research, the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for heart health.

A study followed 7000 Spaniards with type 2 diabetes or risk of cardiovascular disease for 4 years. The results determined that those who ate a low-calorie Mediterranean diet had a 30% lower chance of heart problems.

2. Eating a Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Women’s Risk For Stroke

According to scientific research, the Mediterranean diet has a more significant impact on women since it reduces the risk of a heart attack.

The researchers followed 23,232 men and women. They found that women close to a Mediterranean diet had less risk of heart attacks. Researchsers found no significant results in men.

3. A Mediterranean Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease

The Mediterranean diet also helps improve brain functions.

According to a review published in 2016, the Mediterranean diet improves cognition, delays cognitive decline, and reduces the conversion to Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study conducted on 70 people without signs of dementia found that those who did not have eating patterns of a Mediterranean diet had more protein plaques in the brain (associated with Alzheimer’s disease).

However, more research is still needed to confirm these effects.

In fact, it would not be essential to follow a strict Mediterranean diet to prevent Alzheimer’s. What is vital is to follow a diet that is good for the heart.

4. The Mediterranean Diet May Help With Weight Loss and Maintenance

Another benefit of the Mediterranean diet is that it helps you lose weight thanks to its high content of fresh foods.

According to research conducted over 5 years, the Mediterranean diet is more efficient in the long term for weight loss than a low-fat diet.

In turn, another study found that a Mediterranean diet low in calories can be very beneficial for people who are overweight and obese.

5. Eating a Mediterranean Diet May Help Stave Off and Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Another benefit of the Mediterranean diet is that it helps control and prevent type 2 diabetes.

The research found that people who ate a Mediterranean diet, when supplemented with olive oil or nuts, had a 52% lower risk of diabetes.

Finally, a review of 20 studies explained that the Mediterranean diet improves blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. In fact, it is more effective than any other type of diet.

6. People With Rheumatoid Arthritis May Benefit From the Mediterranean Diet

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes much pain in the joints.

The Mediterranean diet helps combat RA symptoms because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory.

One study claims that omega-3 fatty acids are even more effective than medications in relieving RA symptoms.

7. Are Foods in the Mediterranean Diet Protective Against Cancer?

According to a review of 83 studies, the Mediterranean diet would help reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.

Another study found that women who followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra olive oil had a 62% lower risk of breast cancer.

8. Eating Foods in a Mediterranean Diet May Help Ease Depression

An analysis of 41 observational investigations determined that the Mediterranean diet reduces depression rates.

It is not yet known why the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of depression, but this initial research may shed more light on the effects of the Mediterranean diet.

The Importance of Moderation When Following a Mediterranean Diet

We can affirm that the Mediterranean diet provides various health benefits with all those mentioned above.

However, it is vital to watch your portions and avoid unhealthy foods to reap the benefits of this diet.

It is important to note that the USDA recommends a daily caloric intake of between 1,600 and 3,200, depending on age, gender, and level of physical activity.



