How Eating Fiber Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

SixFruits Editor

The accumulation of fat in the belly leads to various health problems. In fact, it increases your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions.

The good news is that belly fat can be prevented and fought by consuming more fiber.

However, only soluble fibers would be effective in burning fat.

In this article, you will find all the information about how soluble fibers help you burn abdominal fat.

1. Soluble Fiber Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

Fibers fall into two main categories: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Each of them interacts differently with the water present in the human body.

In the first place, insoluble fiber is the one that does not mix with water and acts more as a bulking agent that helps in the conformation of the stool and its passage through the intestine. Thus, it helps fight constipation.

Second, soluble fiber, such as glucomannan or beta-glucan, mixes with water and forms a viscous, gel-like substance. It delays the time it takes for the stomach to digest food and send it to the intestine.

Thus, consuming soluble fiber can help you burn abdominal fat and prevent belly fat from reappearing. In fact, according to one study, a 10-gram increase in daily soluble fiber intake helped reduce the risk of belly fat by 3.7%.

In addition, other studies have found that people who consume more soluble fiber have a much lower risk of developing belly fat.

2. Soluble Fiber Encourages Gut Bacteria Diversity, Which Is Linked to Less Belly Fat

The first thing you should know is that around 100 trillion bacteria live in your gut.

However, these bacteria are not harmful and positively affect intestinal health.

The win-win relationship is mutual: humans provide bacteria with a home and nutrients, while bacteria help produce vitamins and process waste.

Having a wide variety of bacteria in your gut helps reduce your risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease, among others.

The good news is that different studies have found that the consumption of soluble fiber helps to have a wider variety of bacteria in the gut, which translates into better organic health.

Additionally, a recent study found that people who have a wide variety of bacteria in their gut also have a lower risk of belly fat.

3. Helpful Gut Bacteria May Reduce Belly Fat

Once the fibers are in the intestine, specific enzymes from the gut bacteria help digest the soluble fiber.

That’s one of the ways that gut bacteria boost the body’s health, while soluble fiber acts as a prebiotic, providing food for the bacteria.

This fermentation process is when soluble fiber is digested and broken down. Short-chain fatty acids are produced, which help reduce belly fat.

In fact, one of the ways that short-chain fatty acids help regulate metabolism is by increasing the rate of fat burning or decreasing the rate of fat storage.

Several studies have found a connection between a higher level of short-chain fatty acids and a lower risk of having belly fat.

In addition, animal studies have found that short-chain fatty acids help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

4. Soluble Fiber Helps Reduce Appetite

One of the main ways to reduce belly fat is by losing weight.

If we consider that soluble fiber acts as a natural appetite suppressant, it can help you burn belly fat.

This is so because, by having less appetite, you reduce the consumption of daily calories, which helps you lose weight.

Soluble fiber helps reduce appetite by regulating hormones related to appetite control.

According to studies, soluble fiber reduces levels of hunger hormones like ghrelin.

In addition, other studies have found that it helps increase the production of hormones that prolong the feeling of fullness.

On the other hand, fiber reduces appetite because it delays the movement of food through the gut.

4. Sources of Soluble Fiber

The primary sources of soluble fiber are sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, flaxseeds, legumes, grains, and fruits such as oranges and apricots.

Although soluble fiber is beneficial for burning belly fat, it is not advisable to consume high amounts as it can cause adverse effects such as diarrhea, bloating, or stomach cramps.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, the recommended daily fiber intake for men is 30 to 38 grams, and for women, it is 21 to 25 grams.

5. Can Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Belly Fat?

The best way to increase your soluble fiber intake is through whole foods.

However, supplements can also be an option. Some of them are psyllium husk, glucomannan, and inulin.

According to a study conducted on adolescent boys, consuming soluble fiber supplements helps reduce belly fat.

In addition, glucomannan promotes belly fat loss by slowing down the digestive process, which reduces appetite.

Thus, the consumption of supplements could be beneficial for burning belly fat, although more studies are still needed to verify its beneficial effects.



