Evidence Based

How to Make Your Nails Grow Faster


Managing Editor

While nails typically grow faster in summer than winter, there are other ways to help them grow faster.

Nails are a reflection of your health and lifestyle. 

If you want your nails to grow long and healthy, you need a few things:

  • Healthy diet: Keratin and protein make up nails, which are vital nutrients for growth. You need to make sure you eat foods like eggs, fish, poultry, lean cuts of red meat, dairy products, beans, and legumes for healthy nails.
  • Regularly apply hand cream or oil: Applying hand cream or oil on your nails makes them stronger from the outside as it moisturizes the nail bed.
  • Moisturizing lotion: Moisturize your hands regularly to keep them supple and soft so that they have a chance.

Besides taking care of your nails by hydration and diet, you can also use nail strengtheners or nail growth vitamins to make them more durable and robust. You can find these at most pharmacies.

Let’s discuss the factors that contribute to healthy nails and what does science says about them?

8 Tips To Make Your Nails Grow Faster, Proven by Science

Nail breakage is a common problem, and it can make your day-to-day life more difficult. 

This section discusses the science behind nail health and adequately caring for them to grow them as fast as possible.

Nails have a protective sheath called the cuticle, which covers the nail bed.

Many factors contribute to how well your nails grow – genetics, health conditions, diet, environmental factors, nail care habits, and more.

8 tips to make your nails grow:

1. Oral supplementation with bioactive collagen peptides improves nail growth.

clinical study found that supplementing daily with bioactive collagen peptides may have beneficial effects on brittle nails.

This study found that collagen peptides increased nail growth by 12% and decreased the frequency of breaking nails by 42%.

Up to 64% of participants saw a global improvement on their brittle nails, while 88% experienced an improvement four weeks after the treatment.

Most participants agree that collagen peptides increased their nails’ appearance, and they were delighted with how well the product performed.

2. Tazarotene 0.1% Cream May Help Treat Brittle Nail Syndrome

Tazarotene cream is a topical medication used to treat ichthyosis Vulgaris, acne, psoriasis, and acne rosacea. 

It is also used as an anti-aging agent for the treatment of wrinkles and other skin defects.

A 2011 study has shown tazarotene product improves a few of the effects observed during brittle nail syndrome with minimal to no irritation.

The keratinocytes damaged by UV rays or exposure to chemicals such as detergents, paint thinner, bleach, and acetone can produce brittle nails.

This topical cream has been shown to work more effectively than any other cream because it penetrates the layers of the nail bed quickly through the nail plate.

3. Biotin may improve brittle nail syndrome

Biotin benefits the nails by improving nail growth and creating more robust, healthier nails.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that has many health benefits to the human body. One of its most notable contributions is to healthy hair and nails.

You can find biotin in some foods such as eggs, bananas, cauliflower, whole grains, soybeans, almonds, sunflower seeds, cauliflower, avocado, and walnuts.

It can also be taken as a supplement to improve hair and help nails grow faster.

According to a study, the brittle nail syndrome appears to decrease with the supplementation of a daily dose of 2.5 mg of biotin.

Studies have shown that inadequately treated B vitamin deficiencies can lead to problems such as peeling and breakage. One way to improve skin and nail health is by increasing biotin (a B vitamin).

4. Avoid Glue-on Nails and Toxic Polishes

Research has shown that using glue-on nails regularly can weaken natural nails and increase the likelihood of breakage.

The best option is to paint your nails with nail polishes that have few or no toxic chemicals, such as:

  • Toluene
  • Dibutyl phthalate
  • Formaldehyde

Look for natural, water-based nail polish that has been certified as toxin-free.

5. Create a Grooming Routine to Improve Nails Health

A nail care regimen is a must to achieve healthy nails growth.

The routine should include proper nail care, regular manicures, and trimming nails regularly.

Here are some tips for an at-home nail care regimen:

  • Apply lotion to your hands and massage it into your cuticles at least twice a day.
  • Keep your nails trimmed with a clipper or file.
  • Trim off any hangnails that might be hanging off the edge of the nail.
  • Apply cuticle oil on the cuticles and allow it to soak in before you go to bed at night.

6. Nourish Your Nail Beds

If your nails are rough, ridged, and breaking, you might need more vitamin B9 in your diet.

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, is a vitamin that repairs and multiplies the cells in nail beds that make the nails grow faster and promote better overall nail health.

The human body cannot produce folic acid on its own. However, you can find it in supplement form. 

Folic acid is crucial for healthy cell growth in skin tissue as well as hair and nails.

According to a study, lack of folic acid could produce discoloration and promote weak and brittle nails.

7. Upgrade Your Nail Polish Remover

When your manicure starts to chip, it’s easy to grab any old nail polish remover. However, these products can be very harsh.

Nail polish remover is a solution that removes nail polish. It is typically composed of acetone, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, or other solvents.

Researchers found that using nail polish remover can damage nails.

Nail polish remover containing high concentrations of acetone is very harsh on sensitive nails, causing them to dry out and peel off after only a few days – a huge bummer!

Choose options without acetone; these formulas are usually softer and can leave your nails completely clean.

8. Eat A Nail-Friendly Diet

Studies indicate that diet affects human health in many ways, and can even lead to chronic conditions.

It would be best to aim for a nutritious rainbow diet that includes many fruit & veggies, leafy greens, healthy oils, nuts and seeds, avocado, and eggs. 

Lean meat is also good. You can eat whole grains in small quantities.

Also, add foods that encourage the growth of healthy bacteria, such as kombucha, kefir, live yogurt, kimchi, and miso.

You might not know it, but your gut bacteria affect your mood, weight, immune system, and more.

Tips for Growing Stronger Nails and Improve Thin, Weak, or Brittle Nails

Brittle nails are a result of them being too dry or weak. 

There are some ways that you can get fast results for your brittle nails.

1. Cut back on the nail-biting

When a person bites their nails, they are biting the cuticles. The cuticles are the skin on the outside of your fingers.

Biting your nails can lead to broken or cracked nails because it causes damage to the nail bed and can cause bacterial or fungal infections in some cases.

Nail-biting is often caused by stress and anxiety. It’s essential to take care of your cuticles so that you don’t end up breaking the skin and getting an infection.

Some people tend to bite their nails when they are stressed because it can help them relax. 

Others find the habit hard to break because it helps them cope with difficult emotions like anxiety.

There are some ways to overcome a nail-biting habit:

– Make sure that you are not stressed, deprived of sleep, or hungry.

– Carry a pack of gum or mints on you at all times.

– Use some soothing lotion on your fingers and nails before bedtime so that your fingers will smell nice and fresh in the morning.

– Some people find it helpful to exercise the hands, wear gloves, or have a stress ball handy.

2. Increase your intake of vitamins and water

At the moment, researchers have not found any direct correlation between water intake and nail strength. However, there is a connection between a person’s diet and the health of their nails.

Adding additional vitamins to your diet can help strengthen your nails.

Amino acids and proteins in the body make up keratin, a fundamental component of nails. 

One of these amino acids is called methionine which, according to WebMD, helps with hair, nail growth, and skin health.

A lack of vitamins can lead to brittle nails that are prone to breakage or deformation.

By adding more vitamin-rich food like almonds, carrots, and green leafy vegetables into your diet, you will be giving your body the nutrients it needs for healthy hair and nails!

3. Using a hand cream may improve nail growth and health

The Nail bed is a thin layer of tissue that connects the skin to nails.

Besides, the nail bed comprises many layers of skin cells, which need to be moist and hydrated for good nail health.

You can apply hand cream to nails to moisturize the nail bed and improve nails health.

Hand cream is a moisturizer that is specifically designed for the skin on your hands.

It often contains shea butter, glycerin, and other ingredients that help your skin stay moisturized.

In some cases, it may contain keratin which can help improve the strength of your nails.

Using hand cream on your nails can also prevent hangnails from occurring since it will keep your skin moisturized and healthy.

4. Adding a nail maintenance routine will help

If you want to consistently grow long, strong nails, following a nail maintenance routine is essential. 

It includes proper care of your nails, keeping cuticles healthy, and strengthening the nails.

Nail care may seem like an unimportant detail, but it can make a huge difference in how well your nails look and feel.

Proper nail maintenance has become a vital part of any beauty regime as it can make all the difference in how good your hands look.

FAQs on how to make your nails grow faster

1. What is The #1 Way to Make Your Nails Grow Faster

The one way to make your nails grow faster is by taking biotin supplements.

It will help if you take a biotin supplement that contains at least 5000-10000mcg of biotin per day. You can find these in vitamin stores and pharmacies.

You can also strengthen your nails by using treatments such as nail strengthening polishes, supporting buffers and treatments, cuticle oil, nail hardeners, and more.

2. How Fast do Nails Grow in a Week

Our nails grow as the outer layer of the nail bed pushes older cells up and out.

Nails grow at a rate of 0.75mm per week (3mm per month).

Various factors like diet, hormones, genetics, illness, and age influence this growth.

It takes about three months for your nails to grow from their cuticle to their tip fully. 

Many factors can influence nail growth, like genetics, hormones, and nutrition.

Some people also have to deal with other nail-related problems, like brittle nails or infections.

3. What Are The Causes of Weak Nails

A lack of nutrients (such as calcium, zinc, and iron) in the body is the primary cause of weak nails. 

Weak nails can be an early warning sign of a more significant health problem.

 It can also be a symptom of some other condition, such as dermatitis or eczema.

Protein, calcium, and oils are essential components of your nails, and if you don’t have enough of these in your diet, your nails may become brittle.

4. Do you Need Supplements for Your Nails

There are many reasons why you may need supplements for your nails. 

The most common is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, leading to weak and brittle nails.

The best supplements will provide you with the nutrients your body needs and support your nail’s overall health and growth.

5. What Causes Unhealthy Nails?

Many things can cause your nails to be an unhealthy color, such as lack of exposure to sunlight and lack of water.

Having a diet low in protein or lacking specific vitamins may also contribute.

Likewise, skin conditions like psoriasis are also a contributing factor for unhealthy nails.

6. What Vitamin Helps Nails Grow

  • Biotin is a vitamin that helps nails grow faster and stronger. You can find it in eggs, liver, carrots, and avocados.
  • Folic acid, or Vitamin B9, is an essential vitamin for the health of our nails. It repairs and multiplies the cells in nail beds that make the nail shafts. Vitamin B9 makes nails grow faster, and it promotes better overall nail health.
  • Vitamins A, C, and D will also help to promote nail growth.

Conclusion: Growing your nail is a matter of time, patience, and practice.

The nails are the most exposed part of the body, and you need to take care of them.

The layers of skin cells that grow from the bottom up are what make up the nail bed.

You can speed up the process by filing down the top layer so that those cells get a chance to grow more quickly.

But it’s not just about making them grow faster; it’s also about maintaining them in good condition.

Nail growth is an ongoing process, so you’ll always have to maintain your nails by giving them a cut or applying nail polish regularly.

The type of cuticle oil you use can also make a difference in how your nails look and feel.

Your nails are a great indicator of your overall health and wellbeing.

If you have brittle nails, they might be due to low water intake or lack of vitamins.

The benefits of vitamins and water are not just for your skin. Water hydrates the cells in our bodies which is essential for nail health.

Vitamins A, C, and D are all known to promote nail growth.

It is essential to take good care of them from the inside out because no matter what polish colors you choose for them if they’re weak or brittle, they’ll always be prone to breakage and bending.



