Evidence Based

15 Common Weight Loss Mistakes

SixFruits Editor

Losing weight can be challenging. Many times, you think that you are making healthy decisions, but you do not see results.

In fact, most people make mistakes when trying to lose weight, which thwarts the process.

Here you will find the top 15 mistakes that are made when trying to lose weight.

1. Focusing Only on The Scale

In principle, it is essential to keep in mind that the number on the scale is only a measure of weight change since different issues influence weight.

The weight can fluctuate between 2 and 4 pounds in the course of a few days.

On the other hand, hormonal changes in women can contribute to fluid retention, regulated by the weight you see on the scale.

2. Eating Too Many or Too Few Calories

Recent studies found that the caloric deficit needed to lose weight varies from person to person.

Also, according to research, people tend to misjudge the number of calories in a meal.

On the other hand, reducing calorie intake too much can be counterproductive since, according to studies, it could lead to muscle loss and delay the metabolic process.

3. Not Exercising or Exercising Too Much

When losing weight, both fat and muscle mass are lost.

For that reason, it is essential to do physical activity to avoid the loss of muscle mass.

In addition, the more lean mass you have, the easier it is to lose weight and maintain it.

On the other hand, studies have found that too much exercise can be counterproductive, creating stress and negatively impacting endocrine hormones.

4. Not Lifting Weights

According to research, lifting weights is one of the most effective ways to gain muscle mass and increase metabolic rate.

A review of 32 studies found that the best weight loss strategy combines aerobic exercise with weight lifting.

5. Choosing Low Fat or Diet Foods

Many of the products labeled low fat or “diet” foods contain a large amount of sugar to enhance their taste.

For example, 170 grams of low-fat flavored yogurt contains more than four tablespoons of sugar.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), keep in mind that you should consume less than 12 tablespoons of added sugar per day.

6. Overestimating How Many Calories You Burn During Exercise

Although exercise increases the metabolic rate, it does so to a lesser extent than you think.

According to studies, people tend to overestimate the number of calories burned with exercise.

Also, in another study, people reported a higher level of physical activity than they did.

7. Not Eating Enough Protein

Proteins are beneficial for weight loss because:

  • They reduce the appetite.
  • They protect muscle mass during weight loss.
  • They increase the feeling of satiety.
  • They increase the metabolic rate.
  • They reduce the amount of weight regained.

8. Not Eating Enough Fiber

According to research, while all fibers are beneficial, soluble fibers reduce waist circumference even if you are not following a weight loss diet.

In addition, studies suggest that fibers interact with microbes in the gut, producing hormones that prolong feelings of fullness.

9. Overeating Fat on a Low Carb Diet

Studies suggest that following a low-carbohydrate diet helps reduce appetite and, therefore, food consumption.

However, if you follow a diet low in carbs, it is advisable to reduce your fat intake as this can cause difficulties in losing weight.

10. Eating Too Often, Even If You’re Not Hungry

According to research, eating only 2 or 3 times a day generates outcomes such as reduced inflammation and a lower risk of gaining weight again.

Furthermore, the recommendation to eat breakfast every morning, even if you are not hungry, was found to be wrong.

One study found that people who eat breakfast consume more calories per day and therefore gain more weight.

11. Having Unrealistic Expectations

Research suggests that setting unrealistic weight loss goals is associated with dissatisfaction and weight loss challenges.

It is advisable to have a practical goal, such as losing 1 or 2 pounds per week.

12. Not Tracking What You Eat in Any Way

According to studies, tracking what you eat helps you visualize the calories and nutrients consumed.

Additionally, one study found that people who logged their meals every day lost more weight than those who logged their meals once a month.

13. Drinking Sugary Beverages

The problem with sugary drinks is that liquid calories don’t affect your brain’s appetite centers.

Thus, research suggests that liquid calories are not offset by eating less during the day but rather by increasing caloric intake.

14. Not Reading Labels

It is always important to look at food labels to know what you are consuming.

Many foods are proclaimed as “healthy,” but looking at the label, you can see that this is not the case.

15. Not Eating Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods

Studies have found that processed foods are the leading cause of obesity and other diseases.

Researchers believe this is so because they negatively affect the health of the gut and cause inflammation.



