A Simple 3-Step Plan to Stop Sugar Cravings

SixFruits Editor

Most people usually experience sugar cravings.

This can make it challenging to eat a healthy diet and lose weight.

The truth is that sugar cravings are not a need of the body: it is just the brain asking for a “reward.”

The point is, if you could eat a small portion of sugar and stop there when you had a sugar craving, there would be nothing wrong with that.

But if you tend to overeat after trying a serving of something sweet, that’s a problem.

This article will find a three-step plan to stop sugar cravings.

1. If You Are Hungry, Eat a Healthy and Filling Meal

The first thing you should know is that cravings are not the same as hunger.

In this sense, hunger is the body asking for energy, while the craving is a call from the brain to consume something that releases dopamine.

So, if you have a craving while hungry, it is tough to resist the temptation.

In this way, if you have a craving while you are hungry, you should eat something healthy immediately.

Protein-rich foods like meat, eggs, and fish are good for stopping hunger.

In this way, it is recommended to have many healthy snacks at home or pre-made meals to avoid consuming excess sugar at the time of craving.

2. Take a Hot Shower

Another way to alleviate sugar cravings is to take a long shower or bath. This gives us relief.

Take a relaxing bath, and the water should be warm enough to make you comfortable. But be careful not to burn your skin.

Let the water run down your shoulders and back so that the body warms up. Stay in that position for about 5 to 10 minutes.

After getting out of the shower, you will surely experience a feeling of grogginess as if you had been in a sauna for a long time. The most important thing: you will notice that the craving has disappeared.

3. Go for a Brisk Walk Outside

In addition to the above, you can also go for a brisk walk if you are experiencing a craving.

Also, if you like to run, this is an even better option to combat cravings.

This is beneficial for two main reasons. First, you stay away from food and avoid temptation when you leave your house.

Second, physical activity releases endorphins (the hormones of happiness) in your brain, making the craving disappear.

If you cannot go out for some reason, you can also do physical activity at home. Try push-ups, burpees, bodyweight squats, or any other weight-loss exercise.

Additionally, doing physical activity is very beneficial for the body’s general health.

Other Things That May Work

Everything that we mentioned above is very effective in fighting sugar cravings.

However, the best remedy is always prevention. Thus, throwing away junk food and filling the cupboards with healthy meals is advisable.

Keep in mind that if you eat healthy food and exercise several times a week, it is very likely that you will not experience cravings often.

Other tips to avoid sugar cravings are the following:

  • Don’t starve yourself: try to eat all four meals a day to avoid being hungry.
  • Drink a glass of water: sugar cravings are often caused by dehydration.
  • Read your list: It can be helpful to make a list of the reasons why you want to eat healthy food, as it can be difficult to remember when you have a craving.
  • Eat a fruit: Fruits like oranges, bananas, and apples help quench sugar cravings.
  • Avoid triggers: Try to avoid places or things that give you cravings, such as passing in front of a fast food store.
  • Avoid excess stress: This improves the overall health of the body and can help prevent cravings.
  • Eat more protein: Proteins are excellent for creating a feeling of fullness for longer. This way, they avoid cravings.
  • Sleep well: As with stress, poor sleep can lead to cravings.
  • Talk to a friend: you can also call a trusted friend to tell them what you are going through and give you a few words of encouragement to overcome the moment of craving.

The Bottom Line

If you are one of the people who can eat junk food every day without binging, then you are one of the privileged ones who can enjoy these foods in moderation.

However, if it is difficult for you to control yourself, you must avoid these foods as much as possible. Giving in to a craving only fuels the addiction.

If you start to resist the tricks mentioned above, you will see that the cravings will weaken over time and eventually disappear.



