Olive Oil For Hair: Benefits & How to Use

SixFruits Editor

We have the solution for your split ends and frizzy hair!

Olive oil helps you restore your dry, brittle hair. 100% pure olive oil works wonders on most types of hair.

It’s packed with nutrients that nourish the hair follicle, leading to healthier hair. The best part? You can use it as an affordable deep conditioner or as a leave-in treatment.

Olive oil has been used for hair care for many years because it adds shine, resistance, body, and resistance to the hair.

Olive Oil As Conditioner

The main chemical components in olive oil are oleic acid, palmitic acid, and squalene. They are recognized as emollients.

They have softening properties. Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair creams contain added artificial emollients.

While there is little scientific evidence about the emollient use of olive oil, several studies have shown that olive oil can hydrate hair.

It is understood that olive oil can help soften and strengthen hair by entering the hair shafts and conserving moisture.

In addition, olive oil provides an exceptional shine to the hair by smoothing the hair’s outer cuticle.

You can try different ways to use olive oil to benefit your hair health. Here are some options for you to explore.

1. Measure

If you’ve never used olive oil to treat your hair before, starting with just a tablespoon or two is recommended.

The amount of olive oil used depends on the level of hydration you want to achieve and in what parts of the hair.

For example, endings don’t need more than a tablespoon.

In contrast, if you want to use olive oil as a hair product to treat all your hair, you will need at least 1/4 cup, especially if your hair is very thick or very long.

2. Massage

olive oil for hair benefits

Apply olive oil to your hair, then massage deeply for a few minutes.

If you have a dry scalp, you can also massage that area of ​​the hair.

To obtain effective results is advisable to wrap the head with a shower cap and leave it to act for at least 15 minutes.

3. Rinse

Next, comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb before washing. It will allow you to better style your hair later.

For effective results, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. You may even need to shampoo twice, depending on how much you’ve applied. Then dry the hair.

Using olive oil as a hair moisturizer has no adverse effects. However, if your hair is too dry and you need to perform a hydrating treatment every day, it is advisable to use it only once a week to achieve the desired results.

Who Should Use Olive Oil?

Although olive oil is good for hair hydration, it is not suitable for all hair types, as certain types can retain olive oil longer than others.

Keep in mind that your hair already produces oil naturally through glands that have hair follicles. This oil travels more quickly through smooth and fine hair than in thick and curly hair.

1. Thick Hair

Olive oil is most beneficial for thick and dry hair. It helps keep hair moisturized and strong.

However, thick hair can weigh down after applying olive oil. Oily hair does not need extra hydration since the oil is produced naturally.

2. Processed Hair

Additional moisture is essential for processed hair, that is, those that have been treated with bleaches, perms, or straighteners.

It is advisable to wait at least 72 hours after the initial treatment before applying the olive oil.

If you will use olive oil on bleached hair, test first on a lock of hair to check that it does not dye it green.

3. Split Ends

On the other hand, olive oil is also beneficial for treating damaged, or burned hair ends. It is advisable to apply two inches of olive oil on the strands that are damaged.

Even if you’re only treating the ends, tie your hair to prevent the olive oil from staining your clothes.

If you want to condition all your hair, you should apply the olive oil first to the scalp and then go down, massaging until the ends.

Beyond Conditioning


you can also use olive oil to combat lice. However, keep in mind that it is not more effective than other products.

Keep in mind that it is essential to use a suitable comb to remove all lice and nits.


You can also use olive oil to treat dandruff. However, keep in mind that dandruff can occur for a variety of reasons, including fungi.

Although olive oil can help reduce the amount of dandruff in the hair, a treatment that works to eliminate it has not yet been found.

If you want to use the olive oil for this purpose, massage it on the dry scalp and then comb the dandruff flakes.

It is advisable to cover the hair with a shower cap for around 15 minutes and leave it to act before removing it for ideal conditioning.


Olive oil for hair benefits is a good choice for a natural, non-toxic way to improve your hair health.

Olive oil is a versatile natural ingredient that can be used to create hair care products, cooking, and other beauty treatments.



